[Surgery in advanced cervical cancer].

Cervical cancer therapy

cervical cancer therapy

Preliminary report. BolboacaClaudia OrdeanuViorica M.

cervical cancer therapy

NagyZsolt FeketeLiliana ChioreanSorin M Dudea Abstract Aims: The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of pre and post-therapy transrectal and transvaginal ultrasonography TRUS, TVUS with contrast enhancement and strain elastography compared with clinical examination and magnetic reso- nance imaging MRI in the assessment of advanced stage cervical cancer.

All included patients were examined clinically and underwent abdomino-pelvic contrast enhanced MRI and multimodal US examinations TRUS with strain elastography and contrast enhanced TVUS at the time of diagnosis and after radiochemotherapy.

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Pathology was the golden standard. Results: Eight patients accomplished the inclusion criteria. In ve cases the tumor stage was identi- cal on clinical and MRI examinations.

The biologic behavior of squamous cervical carcinoma after neoadjuvant therapy NAT according to immunohistochemical expression of E-cadherin and CD44v6 Mihaela Madalina Gavrilescu, Raluca Balan, Viorel Scripcariu, Dan Ferariu, Ludmila Lozneanu, Diana Popovici, Cornelia Amalinei Abstract The efficiency of neoadjuvant therapy in cervical carcinoma has been well demonstrated, although the cellular mechanisms of different response to this treatment have not been thoroughly investigated. The aim of our study was to assess the correlations between the cervical cancer therapy in E-cadherin and CD44v6 immunoexpression in cervical carcinoma, as a tool of evaluation the response to neoadjuvant therapy and its prognostic significance. The intensity of CD44v6 immunoexpression was higher in more aggressive tumors and E-cadherin immunoexpression was approximately constant among the cases with neoadjuvant therapy. Our results demonstrate that the evaluation of CD44v6 immunoexpression in cervical carcinomas is useful for the assessment of tumor response to neoadjuvant therapy and of tumor aggressiveness. The high level of E-cadherin immunoexpression in tumors with neoadjuvant therapy reflects its involvement in the prevention of HPV oncoproteins action, with benefits on the outcome.

In all cases parametrial in ltration was diagnosed by all pre-treatment examinations. No signi cant differences were observed in tumor size between clinical, US and MRI exams either at baseline or post-therapy, in native or post-contrast examinations.

GHID din 4 decembrie privind cancerul de col uterin Anexa nr. Metodologie de elaborare3. Etapele procesului de elaborare3.

The size of the tumor evaluated pre-treatment proved to be signi cantly smaller post-contrast in both US and Cervical cancer therapy examinations compared with the native images. Post-therapy, no signi cant differences were observed on US measured tumor dimensions when comparing native with post-contrast images.

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Oppositely, signi cant smaller dimensions were observed on post-contrast MRI compared with native scans. Conclusions: TRUS is accurate in the estimation of pre-therapy cervical cancer dimension.

How Is Cervical Cancer Treated? - Manipal Hospitals

Cervical cancer therapy post therapy tumor evaluation is better performed with MRI. The use of intravenous contrast agents on both examinations did not improved the accuracy of tumor evaluation pre- or post-therapy.

Acest obiectiv îndrăzneţ al proiectului va fi realizat prin achiziţionarea de aparatură medical, activităţi de formare a personalului medical implicat în diagnosticarea şi managementul acestor patologii în cadrul unor workshopuri şi sesiuni de training, dar şi prin acţiuni de informare a populaţiei asupra necesităţii screeningului pentru prevenirea şi diagnosticul precoce al cancerelor de colon şi respective de col uterin, prin materiale de promovare, forumuri de conştientizare pentru publicul larg privind stilul de cervical cancer therapy sănătos şi riscul de apariţie al acestor tipuei de patologii. Proiectul implică şi realizarea de activităţi efective de cervical cancer therapy atât pentru cancerul de colon cât şi pentru cel de col uterin, beneficiara directă fiind populaţia celor 2 judeţe implicate. Prin aceste acţiuni proiectul urmăreşte îmbunătăţirea infrastructurii de sănătate pentru prevenirea, diagnosticul şi tratamentul cancerului colorectal şi de col uterin în treiinstituţii medicale din regiunea Timiş-Csongrad dar şi îmbunătăţirea accesului populaţiei din această zonă la informaţii privind sănătatea şi la servicii medicale de calitate pentru prevenirea, diagnosticul şi tratamentul acestor tipuri de cancere. This bold goal of the project will be achieved through the acquisition of medical equipment, training of medical personnel involved in the diagnosis and management of these pathologies in workshops and training sessions, but also through actions to inform the population about the need for screening to prevent and early diagnose colorectal and cervical cancers.