Anemia on period. Deficitul de fier şi cancerul – implicaţii clinice

Deficitul de fier şi cancerul – implicaţii clinice

Anemia on period Recommendations Abstract Introduction: Heterozygous β-thalassemia represents the anemia on period form of the β-thalassemic syndromes, being compatible with normal lifetime.

The importance of β-thalassemia consists in the fact that it maintains anemia on period "defective gene" in the population, favoring the appearance of new cases of Cooley's anaemia, the severe form of β-thalassemic syndromes.

Material and methods: We carried out a retrospective clinical study of over cases diagnosed with β-thalassemia in anemie valori Dolj, Constanța and Vâlcea counties, along a period of 10 yearsout of which we analyzed the family tree of 10 cases throughout generations, starting from the cases of children diagnosed with β-thalassemia.

Results: The number of heterozygous subjects that emerged over generations was of 60 cases with β-thalassemia and 9 cases with Cooley's anaemia.

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Conclusions: According to our results, the last generation of the studied children and adolescents shows the presence of a total of 18 subjects with β-thalassemia, suggesting the increasing amount of heterozygotes in the population. Olivieri NF. Thalassaemia Clinical Aspects anemia on period Management.

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Baillieres Clinic Haemathology. Predescu C. Contribuții la studiul talasemiei în România.

Росио попробовала закричать, но в легких не было воздуха. Он вот-вот задавит. Уже теряя сознание, она рванулась к свету, который пробивался из приоткрытой двери гостиничного номера, и успела увидеть руку, сжимающую пистолет с глушителем.

Яркая вспышка - и все поглотила черная бездна.

Doctoral thesis Bucuresti anemia on period. Turcanu L Serban Margit. Hematologie pediatrică.

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Centrala Industrială de Medicamente și Cosmetice București Nedelcuta Ramona. Unele aspecte privind epidemiologia și clinica sindroamelor β-talasemice la copil.

Doctoral thesis University of Medicine and Pharmacy Craiova 5. Betatalasemia in arealul Mures. Revista Romana de Medicina de Laborator.

The presence of anemia, regardless of the cause or mechanism, in oncologic patients adversely affects the quality of life, the outcome of the neoplastic disease and the adherence to treatment. The mechanisms involved in the appearance of anemia in oncologic patients are intricated. Iron deficiency is a frequent cause of anemia in oncologic patients.

A novel Mutation in β-Globin Gene of a Patient with β-thalassemia. Aydinok Y. Antonesei MI.

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Aspecte hematologico-biochimice în β-talasemia minoră și corelarea acestora cu mutații de la nivelul genelor beta-globinei și HFE. Prenatal screening for β-thalassemia major reveals new and rare mutations in the Pakistani population. Int J Hematol.

Epub Mar 4. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia in patients with β-thalassemia major. Pediatr Hematol Oncol. Sindroamele β-talasemice la copil Colectia Hipocrate 48 Ed.

Aius Craiova Vademecum hematologic. Medicală București Ghid de diagnostic al β-talasemiei heterozigote și profi laxia postnatală a sindroamelor β-talasemice. Urgențe în Pediatrie. Boli Cronice în Pediatrie. Medicala Amaltea Bucharest Frecus Corina. Epidemiologia si clinica β-talasemiei heterozigote la copil in judetul Constanta.

Iron deficiency and cancer – clinical implications

Doctoral thesis University of Medicine and Pharmacy Craiova Talasemia intermedia. Medicina Moderna.

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Bulucea D Gheonea C. Tratamentul actual al anemiei Cooley. Profi anemia on period sindroamelor β-talasemice.