Papilloma wart on uvula. Dentistry Questions Final 2016

The statement and the reason may both be true or false ,or they may both be true but without any cause-and -effect relation between eachother. You can see five possibilities below,but only one answer is correct.

The relation has to be judged only if both the statement and the reason are correct. If you have decided whichone is correct ,write the corresponding capital letter on the line next to the question.

Cauze și simptome de papilom pe arcada palatinei

The masseteric muscles insertion is at the masseteric tuberosity, THUS it is the most important jaw opening muscle. The cells of the autonomic ganglions are always pseudounipolar, THUS the cells of the Gasserian ganglion are pseudounipolar too.

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The origin of the alveolar inferior nerve is from papilloma wart on uvula maxillary nerve, THUS the lower teeth are innervated by the alveolaris inferior nerve. The trigeminal nerves three branches are: the maxillary nerve, the lingual nerve and the alveolar inferior nerve, THUS it is called the trigeminal nerve.

Pui varicel Papilloma arcului palatinei amigdale : cauze și tratamente Papilloma pe cer și palatine arc - un fenomen neplăcut, uneori periculos. În plus, ele provoacă aceleași probleme atât la adulți cât și la copii. Papilomavirusul care provoacă un astfel de fenomen conduce la creșterea formațiunilor în tot corpul.

The two papilloma wart on uvula of the digastric muscle meet at the hyoid, THUS the digastric muscle is a jaw opening muscle. The stapedius muscle is innervated motorically by the mandibular nerve, THUS it is the innervating nerve of all muscles of the cavum tympani.

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Inflammation of the upper lip can be drained towards the meningeal structures by the lymphatic vessels and veins, THUS the pyogenic infection of the upper lip has an unpleasant prognosis, because of the risk of its spreading. Deep venous thrombosis of the lower extremity can often be a source of cerebral embolisation, THUS the deep venous thrombosis of the lower extremity necessitates a careful treatment.

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Diabetes causes an odontoblastic resorption, THUS diabetes is a predisposing factor to periodontal diseases. Atherosclerotic alterations involve the abdominal part of the aorta most severely, THUS the syphilitic aortitis is more frequently localized at the thoracic part of the aorta.

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The antibody is a peptide molecule produced by the cells of the immune system, THUS the antibody is able to specifically bind the antigen.

The human body is able to produce antibodies against the own cells, own tissues and own molecules, THUS an autoimmune reaction as well can occur papilloma wart on uvula the human body. Either osteoblastic or osteoclastic activity is observable in the Paget-disease, THUS tumorous disease can not be expected.

papilloma wart on uvula

In the treatment of the anaemia perniciosa exclusively the extrinsic factor is used, THUS it never causes gastrointestinal alterations. The atraumatic tooth extraction is applied as far as possible in case of a haemophilic patient, THEREFORE it is recommended to give aspirine in order to prevent postoperative pain in each case.

The circulating thrombin in DIC leads to the papilloma wart on uvula of microand macro thromboses, while the circulating plasmin is responsible for the development of increased risk for haemorrhage, THUS the administration of both antithrombotic drugs and fibrinolysis inhibitors is recommended in the therapy.

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Helicobacter pylori infection is frequently diagnosed as a source of the peptic ulcer, THUS an antibacterial therapy is indicated in case of the detection of this. Antaethyl inhibits the further metabolism of acetaldehyde produced from alcohol, THUS it is used for the therapy of alcoholism.

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Caffeine stimulates the vasomotor center, THUS it increases the blood pressure in collapse. Atropin is generally used in the premedication of the general anaesthesia, THUS it is a relaxant of the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract.

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Papilloma wart on uvula cholinesterase inhibitors cause an acetylcholine accumulation on the parasympathetic nerve endings, THUS they increase salivation. Semicillint ampicillin is not inactivated by the penicillinase enzyme, THUS Semicillin is suitable for the treatment of Staphylococcirelated infections.

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The resistance-factor, which is responsible for the development papilloma wart on uvula the bacterial resistance, is an extra chromosomal DNA-ring, THUS in one bacterial race only one antibiotic resistance factor is exchanged during their conjugation. Steroid hormones act onto the receptors of the cellular membrane, THUS their effect prevail on the level of the nucleus.

Glucocorticoid-hormones decrease the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, THUS the long term administration of these hormones results in a depletion of papilloma wart on uvula calcium balance.