Volume 7(4)/2015

How to treat laryngeal papillomatosis, Citas por año


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    The lack of a curative treatment and the tendency of the papillomatosis to recur in an extensive manner require an aggressive treatment. Although multiple medical therapies are available, their results are not always the desired ones.

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    That is why nowadays the focus of the therapy is on the surgical approach. The how to treat laryngeal papillomatosis results may be obtained thru multiple surgeries, with resection of all papilloma foci. Although this approach may impact the quality of life of the patients due to the multiple interventions required, the overall result translates into a physiologic airway.

    Because the site where the lesions first appear is at an epithelial level, tendency to use methods of early diagnosis, that make the disease recognizable before extensive lesions, is the natural tendency.

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    Also, it is extremely important to remove all how to treat laryngeal papillomatosis lesions during surgery, thus minimizing the chances of recurrence or at least increasing the interval between interventions. The aim of this paper is to present the methylene blue staining test as an adjuvant method of evaluating the resection margins during surgery for laryngeal papillomatosis.

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    Bucharest68, no.