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Breast cancer hormonal treatments

Avastin în asociere cu paclitaxel este indicat pentru breast cancer hormonal treatments de primă linie al pacienţilor cu cancer de sân metastatic.

The concentrations were comparable to those reported previously in patients with metastatic breast cancer. Concentraţiile au fost comparabile cu cele raportate anterior la pacienţii cu cancer de sân metastatic.

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That's common with metastatic breast cancer. Aceasta este comun cu cancer de san metastatic. Herceptin is indicated for the treatment of patients with metastatic breast cancer whose tumours overexpress HER2: Herceptin este indicat pentru tratamentul pacienţilor cu cancer de sân metastaticale căror tumori exprimă HER2 în exces: In a further randomised clinical trial Mpatients with metastatic breast cancer received docetaxel, with or without Herceptin.

Într- un alt studiu clinic randomizat Mpacienţii cu diagnostic de cancer de sân metastatic au primit docetaxel, breast cancer hormonal treatments sau fără Herceptin.

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I am fairly certain that the cause of death was metastatic breast cancer. Sunt destul de sigur ca cauza de deces a fost cancer de san metastatic. I have a reoccurrence of stage 3 metastatic breast cancer, so what are the odds I'll be here Am o reapariție a etapa 3 cancer de san metastaticDeci, ce sunt șansele breast cancer hormonal treatments fi aici The effectiveness of Abraxane has been studied in one main breast cancer hormonal treatments involving women with metastatic breast cancer, around three-quarters of whom had received an anthracycline in the past.

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Eficacitatea Abraxane a fost studiată în cadrul unui studiu principal care a implicat de femei cu cancer de sân metastaticdintre care aproximativ virus del papiloma humano vacuna efectos secundarios sferturi primiseră antraciclină în trecut. The studies supporting its use in other cancers involved over 1, patients metastatic breast cancer: Studiile care susţin utilizarea sa în tratarea altor tipuri de cancer au implicat peste de pacienţi cancer de sân metastatic : In a further randomised clinical trial BOpatients with HER2 positive and hormone receptor positive metastatic breast cancer received anastrozole with or without Herceptin.

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Într- un studiu clinic randomizat, efectuat ulterior BOla pacienţii cu cancer de sân metastaticcu status- ul receptorilor HER2 şi al receptorilor hormonali pozitiv, s- a administrat anastrozol, cu sau fără Herceptin. The pharmacokinetics of trastuzumab have been studied in patients with metastatic breast cancer and early breast cancer.

Tratamentul pentru cancerul de sân la barbati este de obicei un mastectomia.

Farmacocinetica trastuzumab a fost studiată la pacienţii cu cancer de sân metastatic şi cancer de sân incipient. Congestive Heart Failure CHF In clinical trials with Avastin, congestive heart failure CHF was observed in all cancer indications studied to date, but occurred predominantly in patients with metastatic breast cancer. Insuficienţă Cardiacă Congestivă ICC În studiile clinice cu Avastin, insuficienţa cardică congestivă ICC a fost observată pentru toate indicaţiile terapeutice studiate până acum, dar a apărut, în principal, la pacienţii cu cancer de sân metastatic.


Most of the patients who experienced CHF had metastatic breast cancer and had received previous treatment with anthracyclines, prior radiotherapy to the left chest wall or other risk factors for CHF, such as pre-existing coronary heart disease or concomitant cardiotoxic therapy.

Majoritatea pacienţilor breast cancer hormonal treatments au dezvoltat ICC aveau cancer de sân metastatic şi au urmat anterior, tratament cu antracicline, radioterapie la nivelul peretului toracic stâng sau aveau alţi factori de risc pentru ICC, cum sunt boală coronariană pre- hpv bij mannen sau terapie asociată cardiotoxică.

breast cancer hormonal treatments

In locally recurrent and metastatic breast cancer, Grade wound healing complications were observed in 1. Xeloda in combination with docetaxel see section 5. Clinical Data Herceptin has been used in clinical trials as monotherapy for patients with metastatic breast cancer who have tumours that overexpress HER2 and who have failed one or more chemotherapy regimens for their metastatic disease Herceptin alone.

Updates in the hormonal treatment of breast cancer

Date clinice Herceptin a fost administrat în studii clinice în monoterapie Herceptin singur la pacienţi cu cancer de sân metastatic şi exprimarea în exces a HER2, la care tratamentul bolii metastatice cu unul sau mai multe regimuri chimioterapice a fost ineficace. Conținut posibil inadecvat Elimină filtrul Exemplele au rolul de a te ajuta să traduci cuvinte sau expresii corect si adaptat la context. Nu sunt selectate sau validate manual, așadar pot conține termeni inadecvați.

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Te rugăm să raportezi exemplele pe care le consideri inadecvate. Traducerile vulgare sau colocviale sunt în general marcate cu roșu sau breast cancer hormonal treatments portocaliu.

Înregistrează-te pentru a accesa mai multe exemple Nici un rezultat pentru acest sens.

It is applied in patients expressing tumoral hormone receptors ER - estrogen receptor and PGR - progesteron receptor. It is possible that HER2 human epitelial growth factor receptor 2 to have an influence on the response or resistance to hormonal treatment. This article presents the main classes of drugs used in hormonal treatment and their indication, improvements obtained and future perspectives of research. El este aplicat la pacientele la care se identifică în ţesutul tumoral prezenţa receptorilor hormonali ER - receptor estrogen şi PGR - receptor progesteron.

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